Everyone at Frances Olive Anderson Church of England Primary School warmly welcomes you to our website.
Our Vision Statement:
Being Different; Belonging Together.
Frances Olive Anderson Church of England Primary School is a place where all are welcomed and considered valuable and valued as unique children of God. As a school community we aim for all to develop wisdom, hope for the future and a sense of self-worth - to aspire to be the very best we can be, and to enable us to serve others.
We have a strong and dedicated team who endeavour to provide an exciting and enriched curriculum from which we can all learn. The academic and emotional needs of our community are considered, to enable everyone to flourish. Happy learners are lifelong and successful learners.
We strive for our children and adults to be resilient to face any challenges and become a voice for change in the world where change is needed.
"All of us are Christ’s body, and each one is a part of it." (1 Corinthians 12:27)
Sarah Woolley Headteacher
Mrs Julia Bowdler Chair of Governors